Night-Gear Introduces Redesigned Website
On July 27th introduced a redesigned website which has many new features and capabilities that are sure enhance your shopping experience on the site. As a result of this change all customer records prior to July 26th 2012 have been removed from the system and are no longer available on line. In addition, if you previously registered at prior to July 27 you will be required to log in as a new customer again. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I
Aug 15th 2012
Safety Tips for Cycling at Night
Bike Head Light - All states require a head-lamp producing a white light on bicycles in use after dark. Forty-two require that the light be visible from a distance of 500 feet to the front. Six states require visibility from 300 feet (California, Georgia, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and South Dakota). Maine requires visibility from only 200 feet. Kentucky requires that the light “reveal objects 50 feet ahead.” California specifies that the light must be visible from both the front and s
Jul 22nd 2012