Hot Dots with light
reflecting from them
Reflective 1 Inch Adhesive Vinyl Hot Dots - Sheet of 64 Reflective Dots (available in bulk pricing)
You are buying one sheet of 64 dots - your choice of color.
NOTE: These are not glow in the dark dots, they are reflective dots.
Reflective, brightly colored 1" vinyl stick-on dots can be used for safety and decorative purposes. Hot Dots are available in 11 colors that retro-reflect even when wet! These retro-reflective vinyl dots are made from tough, flexible, UV stabilized, weather resistant polymeric film with integrally bonded micro-prism elements. They are extremely durable and will withstand rugged outdoor and multi-purpose use. The Reflexite finish captures and magnifies light for identification and safety. Ideal for color coding purposes or enhancing visibility in low light conditions, hot dots are effective in many ways. Put them on helmets, backpacks, school bags, safety belts, signs, and anywhere else that you need visibility. Ideal for marking paths to bring attention to potential hazardous areas and so much more. Great for mail box and route identification. Use them to create lanes, aisles and escape routes. The list of uses goes on and on!
Our 1" reflective hot dots are available in 11 colors:
White Dots
Yellow Dots
Orange Dots
Red Dots
Blue Dots
Green Dots
Fluorescent Red Orange Dots
Fluorescent Lime Yellow Dots
Fluorescent Green Dots
Fluorescent Pink Dots
Fluorescent Orange Dots